Does Westside Pediatric Clinic provide COVID-19 testing?
Yes, the clinic offers rapid testing (results available within 20 minutes) on site. The clinician can also send out tests for additional confirmation should exposure factors exist, and if the rapid test returns a negative result.
Can my child be tested if he/she was exposed to someone with COVID-19?
Yes, however several factors are considered in a physician’s decision-making for testing. Please call 503-297-1025 and discuss with one of our triage nurses for optimal timing of the test.
Can anyone be tested?
Due to the pandemic, there is a shortage of COVID-19 laboratory tests. Westside Pediatric Clinic, PC currently provides testing to those exposed to COVID-19 and those who are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19. We are unable to offer testing for return to work, school or childcare.
If my child tests negative for COVID-19 after exposure, does he/she still need to quarantine? For how long?
Should your child test negative for COVID-19 after exposure, they should quarantine for 14 days at home following the exposure. The child should wear a mask and physical distancing should be followed regardless of symptoms. The child should stay in a sick room or area of the house away from other people and pets. Using a separate bathroom is recommended if one is available. This applies to everyone not just those tested for COVID-19.
What precautions should we take if the test is sent out and you are awaiting COVID-19 test
If you or your child are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, it is important to act as though you have COVID-19, wear a mask, isolate yourself regardless of testing and quarantine at home for 10 days following onset of symptoms. Patient should be at least 24 hours without fever or symptoms (without the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen) prior to returning to daycare or school.
If my child tests positive for COVID-19, but does not have any symptoms, when can he/she return to normal activities?
Regardless of symptoms, persons who test positive for COVID-19 should remain in isolation (at home, contact with only immediate family members who need to care for the child) for at least 10 days following the onset of symptoms. Should the symptoms last longer than 10 days your child should continue to isolate for at least 24 hours after being symptom free without acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
During the 10-days of isolation
- Check the child's temperature twice a day
- Watch for symptoms of COVID-19
- Isolate at home, wear a mask
What does Westside Pediatrics, PC do to keep you safe?
- Sick patients are only scheduled the last hour of the morning and last hour of the afternoon when no healthy patients are in the clinic.
- Sick patients NEVER wait in the waiting room
- Sick patients are seen in designated sick exam rooms only.
- Sick patients wait in the car and enter in separate back hallway.
- All exam rooms are cleaned per CDC guidelines.
- Staff always wear a N-95 mask, gloves, gown, and facial shield.
- COVID-19 positive room is left vacant for 24 hours and cleaned per CDC guidelines prior to reuse.
- Well patients enter through a separate entry way.
- Well patients are seen in a separate hallway of the clinic, at a time no ill patients are in the clinic.
- Well patients are ONLY SEEN IN WELL EXAM ROOMS.